We had been wanting to make a trip to DC for almost a year but were not able to make it work. We were so excited to make this last minute trip out to the Temple and to see our friends. It was the most beautiful weekend and the weather was so nice. We drove there after work on Friday night and then we explored most of Saturday and Sunday. We were able to eat at some of our favorite restaurants, go to the Temple, and spend time with our friends. I was not able to do as much as I normally do because my walk has turned into a waddle since I am 32 weeks pregnant but it was still so much fun.

Every time we go to DC I have to get a toasted marshmallow shake from good stuff eatery.
I had been craving Café Rio my entire pregnancy! It did not disappoint. I probably could have eaten it for every meal.
We were able to go to the DC Temple on Saturday night. It will probably be our last Temple trip before the baby arrives (it is getting harder to drive for 3+ hours now). The DC Temple is one of the most beautiful Temples. I also love the DC Temple grounds at spring. I just love the tulips and trees with all of the blossoms and leaf buds.
I cannot believe I am 32 weeks pregnant in this picture. Time has flown by.

We were able to explore some of the sights which was really fun. We went and saw the White House and the Washington Monument. This is the first time I was able to see the Washington Monument without scaffolding.
One of my favorite memorials is the Navy Memorial. It has the lone sailor standing in the middle of what appears to be a boat. Matt wanted to take a picture by the lone sailor so he was not so lonely.
DC is so beautiful in spring. I think it by far the most beautiful place in the springtime. There are all of the trees and flowers that are blooming, the tidal basin has cherry blossoms and then there are these random trees that have the most beautiful purple flowers growing on the trunk and budding from the branches. It is so fun to be driving or walking and see a bunch of green trees and the one purple tree that just stands out in the middle.
Matt and our friend Brad went on a long bike ride through DC. They went on the tidal basin and over to the monuments.
The blossoms were in full peak the day before but they were still beautiful when we visited.